
For unexpected friends. And serendipity.

For coffee dates, and run dates, and dinner dates with littleman.

For sleeping in and snuggles and laughing so hard tears stream down my face.

For not taking myself too seriously and short jokes.

For race days and hugs — both virtual and real. For phone calls when you need them most, and phone calls when you don’t.

For care packages that include coffee, and kitschy running gear that makes you giggle.

For writers who listen to my wacky ideas, and being able to edit people with incredible talent (even if they may not see it themselves).

For marathons and jelly beans, and early mornings where you can’t imagine NOT hanging out in the freezing cold with women who are some of the strongest people you’ll ever meet.

For snarky text messages from friends that make you snorkel your coffee, and ‘I love yous’ that come in the form of smiley faces.

For playdates and writing, and tough moments that make you stronger.

For #allthemiles and #allthethings that bring joy.

For the people who hand me Wonder Woman’s bronze chest plate when I think I’ve lost it.

For not being able to list off all the things I’m thankful for…

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